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24 Essential Social Media Posts Every Staffing Firm Should Share

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Has your staffing company’s social media presence slacked off recently? It’s time to get things on track again – but thinking of something new to post can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have a dedicated social media manager. 

Don’t worry. We’ve got some ideas. 

24 social media posts every staffing firm should share: 

  1. Team introductions. Showcase your firm’s team members through a Meet the Team campaign. It’s a great way to let your audience put a face to the name. 
  2. Team accomplishments. What has your team accomplished lately? Landing a big contract? A high-level placement? Showcase it on social media. 
  3. Team events. The next time you host a team event, take some photos or videos and share them with your audience.
  4. Why you? Showcase some of the great reasons to work with your staffing firm, as described by your team members in a short, trendy video format. 
  5. Giveaways. Put together a giveaway or promotion where people must follow your company to enter. It’s a great way to grow your following and bind people to your company. 
  6. Local events. Establish yourself as a pillar in your community by sharing information about local events, especially any events your team members will be attending. 
  7. Regional factoids. Create a fun-facts video showcasing trivia about the city or region you’re located in.  
  8. Educational content. You’re the expert. Use your social media to educate your audience on the topics you know best. 
  9. Community involvement. Charitable giving, career fairs, local events… be sure to showcase your firm’s community involvement. It shows you’re not just another business – you’re committed to giving back to the community. 
  10. “Day in the Life” posts. Have a team member – or an external employee – walk your audience through a day in the life at their job. This is a great way to showcase the jobs you offer to other prospective employees. 
  11. Share relevant blogs. Use your social channels to link back to high-performing or relevant blog topics, growing their traffic even more and providing your audience with top-tier content. 
  12. Webinars or panel discussions. Link to relevant webinars or panel discussions your audience will want to see and hear. Even better, showcase it when one of your team members is hosting!  
  13. Recruitment tips. Provide job seekers valuable tips and guidelines on resume writing, interview preparation, and career advancement. 
  14. Office tour. Take your audience on a guided tour of your office, or an external workplace. 
  15. Holiday posts. Remember to make fun posts around the major holidays it’s a great way to increase engagement and endear yourself to your social audience. 
  16. Recent placements. Highlight recent placements your staffing company has made: who you placed, what their job is, and how they’ll help the client company succeed. 
  17. Mentorship program highlights. Does your firm (or a client) have a mentorship program? Showcase success stories and highlight the benefit of mentorship in the workplace. 
  18. Client or candidate testimonials. Share positive feedback from clients about your staffing services, or from candidates happy with their most recent placement. 
  19. Employee appreciation. Highlight your internal or external team members’ accomplishments, work anniversaries, and birthdays. 
  20. Job market updates. Share relevant information about emerging job opportunities, trends, skills, or changes in the market. 
  21. Infographics. If you have infographics related to hiring tips, job market statistics, or career development, social media is a great place to share them. 
  22. Interactive polls. Engage your audience with a poll; you might ask them about job preferences or industry-related opinions. 
  23. Work-from-home tips. Remote work is everywhere these days. Share some tips and best practices for working from home to showcase how you accommodate the evolving job landscape. 
  24. Memes. Share light-hearted and relatable industry memes or humor. It adds a touch of personality to your social media presence. 

Need to Give Your Social Media a Boost? 

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